The Sallie B. Phillips Archival Internship provides future archivists with the opportunity to gain firsthand experience working with special collections. Ms. Phillips is a longtime Trustee of the Foundation and graciously underwrote the digitization of the organization's architectural collections.
The Preservation Foundation of Palm Beach is looking for graduate and undergraduate students enrolled in a degree-seeking program in Public History, Library and Information Science, or Historic Preservation to participate in a six-week program this summer. The program runs from the first week of June until the second week of July.
The Foundation is a private, nonprofit membership organization dedicated to the preservation of the historic, architectural, and cultural heritage of Palm Beach, Florida. The Foundation’s mission is to encourage the community to learn about and save the historic buildings that truly make Palm Beach special.
Interns will be exposed to challenging, professional opportunities while working with the digital collection of the Preservation Foundation of Palm Beach. The collection includes digital records of architectural drawings, photographs, and ephemera from prominent Palm Beach architects. Experience with image/photo editing in Adobe Creative Suite and Microsoft Word and Excel is required.
We accept rolling applications until March 31st.
If you have any questions please contact Amanda Capote, Archives & Programming Associate at