Executive Committee
Mrs. Paul Shiverick, Chairman
Mr. Daniel E. Ponton, Vice-Chairman
Mr. Thomas C. Quick, Secretary
Mr. Erik T. Waldin, Treasurer
Mr. William J. Gilbane III
Mr. Jeffrey A. Marcus
Mrs. Pauline B. Pitt, Chairman Emeritus
Mr. Charles M. Royce
Mrs. Lynne M. Wheat
President & CEO
Amanda H. Skier
Board of Trustees
Mrs. Rand V. Araskog
Mr. and Mrs. Manucher Azmudeh
Mrs. Walter F. Ballinger
Mrs. Alan D. Bleznak
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Brand
Mrs. Edwin M. Burke
L. Frank Chopin, Esquire
Mr. Edward A. Cooney
Mrs. Brittain Damgard
Mr. and Mrs. Philippe Dauman
Dr. Jane S. Day
Mr. and Mrs. Thompson Dean
Mrs. John J. Dowdle
Ambassador and Mrs. Edward E. Elson
Mrs. Jennifer M. Fischer
Ms. Kristen Kelly Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Flores
Mr. and Mrs. J. Christopher Flowers
Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Freitas
Mrs. Martin D. Gruss
Mrs. Jessica Guff
Dr. and Mrs. Ben Han
Mrs. J. Ira Harris
Mr. James Held
Dr. Peter N. Heydon
Mrs. Katherine B. Horgen
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Holt
The Honorable and Mrs. Robert W. Johnson IV
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald R. Jordan, Jr.
Mr. Kenn Karakul
Mr. and Mrs. Howard J. Kessler
Mrs. Laura Landro and Mr. Richard E. Salomon
Mr. Leonard A. Lauder
The Honorable and Mrs. Howard H. Leach
Mr. Samuel Lehrman
Mrs. Joseph W. Luter III
Mrs. David J. Mahoney
Mrs. Jeffrey A. Marcus
Mrs. Liza Mauck
Mrs. Talbott B. Maxey
Mrs. Leigh A. McMakin
Ms. Audrey McNiff
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Meyer
Mr. and Mrs. Donald K. Miller
The Honorable Danielle Hickox Moore
Mrs. Dudley L. Moore, Jr.
Mr. David G. Ober
Mrs. William G. Pannill
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Patsley
Mr. John Paulson
Mrs. Amy Phelan
Mrs. Sallie B. Phillips
Mrs. Wilbur L. Ross, Jr.
Mrs. Charles M. Royce
Mrs. Jeannie Rutherfoord
Mr. Jorge A. Sanchez
Mrs. Helen Schwab
Mr. Paul Shiverick
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Simmons
Mr. Jeffery W. Smith
The Honorable Lesly S. Smith
Mr. Thomas S. Smith, Jr.
Mrs. Electra Toub
Mr. Mish Tworkowski
Mrs. Leo A. Vecellio, Jr.
Emeritus Trustees
Mrs. Nathan Appleman
Mrs. F. Eugene Dixon, Jr.
Mrs. Robert M. Grace
Mrs. Frances G. Scaife